Posts tagged Racist
Herschel Walker Admits To "Secret" Children - Biden Pledges $1 BILLION In Aid And Weapons To Ukraine | ITBP S6E19
Buffalo Mass Shooting Gunman Kills 10 A Supermarket - Fears of "White Replacement" Spark Racist Attack | ITBP S6E17
Joe Rogan N-Word Mashup Forces Apology - NBA Trade Deadline Shake Ups | ITBP S6E6
Drew Brees Apologizes For Kneeling Comments, Three Remaining Officers Charged In Murder of George Floyd, And What To Know When Stopped By The Police | ITBP S4E31
How Are You Preparing For A Trump Reelection, NBA Plans To Hold NBA 2K Tournament, Kerry Connelly Author of "Good White Racist" | ITBP S4E23