Food Additives Americans Eat Are Making Them Sick - 15 Possible Candidates For The Next Black President | ITBP S7E4

In this week's episode the fellas have a conversation about whether being invited to “Girl’s Night” is all it’s cracked up to be. And is it possible to remove sex from love, and still have a healthy monogamous relationship?  Also, we ask the questions; "what does generational wealth look like, and are we doing enough to lay the foundation for it?".  And European experts say that U.S. food additives banned in Europe that Americans eat "are almost certainly" making us sick. Why are we still using these chemicals if many westernized countries have stopped?  And lastly, The Root posted a list of 15 possible candidates that could be America's next Black President.  We go through that list and see who's the most likely.  All that and much more.  Informed.  Intelligent.  In The Black.

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The Food Is Killing Us

Potassium bromate. It's a suspected carcinogen that's banned for human consumption in Europe, China and India, but not in the United States.

In the U.S., the chemical compound is used by some food makers, usually in the form of fine crystals or powder, to strengthen dough. It is estimated to be present in more than 100 products.

"There is evidence that it may be toxic to human consumers, that it may even either initiate or promote the development of tumors," professor Erik Millstone, an expert on food additives at England's University of Sussex, told CBS News. He said European regulators take a much more cautious approach to food safety than their U.S. counterparts.

So You Think You Can Be President?

Although Barack Obama was the first Black person to become the President of the United States, he likely won’t be the last. There are plenty of qualified candidates who could potentially become the next leader of the nation. So on President’s Day, we decided to come up with our wish list.