Eddie Glaude Jr. And 'Begin Again', A Look Into James Baldwin's America | ITBP Black Light Interview

In this episode of the Black Light we are joined Eddie Glaude Jr. to discuss his latest book, Begin Again: James Baldwin's America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own. Prof. Glaude helps us to get a better understanding on why Begin Again is not only an ode to Baldwin but also a reflection of our current state in America. And we also get his current thoughts on the Trump era, the up coming election, and the current movement for social and racial justice.

Informed. Intelligent. In The Black

Purchase Prof. Glaude's Book: https://tinyurl.com/y7qt56ad

In this episode of the Black Light we are joined Eddie Glaude Jr. to discuss his latest book, Begin Again: James Baldwin's America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own.  Prof. Glaude helps us to get a better understanding on why 'Begin Again' is not only an ode to Baldwin but also a reflection of our current state in America.